Deep Mapping
Deep Mapping is a flexible and layered place-based methodology that can and often necessarily weaves together many aspects of landscape and ecological research, historical study with social-cultural lenses.

The Deep Mapping process is flexible and custom-designed to meet an organization or group’s longer-term goals.
Deep Mapping is anchored in place specifically and place-making in an expanded way.
Deep Mapping requires a 1/2 day–3 day process and involves readings, discussions, outdoor walks, writing, guided landscape studies and group work on the land.
Projects with clients involving Deep Mapping workshops include Arlington Garden in Pasadena, The Huntington Library, Art Museum & Botanical Gardens, New Moon Mycology Summit, Pioneer Works and Radical Mycology.
Deep Mapping is anchored in place specifically and place-making in an expanded way.
Deep Mapping requires a 1/2 day–3 day process and involves readings, discussions, outdoor walks, writing, guided landscape studies and group work on the land.
Projects with clients involving Deep Mapping workshops include Arlington Garden in Pasadena, The Huntington Library, Art Museum & Botanical Gardens, New Moon Mycology Summit, Pioneer Works and Radical Mycology.

Photography Isabel Avila, Social Ecologies